Maurice Cooper is my Muay Thai coach, mentor and friend. He has an amazing ability to intuitively see what’s within a person and know how to bring the best out of them using his vast life experience and training skill in Muay Thai. His attention to detail with technique is unsurpassed.
Sindy Maricic 3 x World Muay Thai Champion
Maurice Cooper. Owner CKTO Muay Thai Gym, Australia
A mention of Maurice’s name amongst the Muay Thai community in Sydney, is always acknowledged with respect. I have been told it is a pleasure to watch a CKO fighter because the technique is so good.
My name is Maurice Cooper. I am 65. Seven years ago I had a motorbike accident- it changed my life and brought on progressive Parkinsons.
Roll your wraps, sit back and listen. Then we will hone your craft……… together.
Are you prepared to go on that journey? Its best that you don’t know what’s ahead. Embrace today.
Every part of your life will be brought to the surface as Muay Thai shapes you. Use it or disregard it…...its your choice. Feel the fear, stand in your power, surrender and become more of who you are.
Its not about becoming more powerful its about discovery, refinement, respect for the skill and your true self.
Develop your technique and the power comes without effort. In the end you are much more aware of who you are, what you want and how to get it. The best and the worst comes out of you- use it. That’s how you find yourself.
And now, we begin……..
(excerpt from “Maurices Muay Thai” – a training handbook )
When training fighters…or, anyone really, the input needs to be as positive as possible- whatever they believe about themselves will affect their ability to perform and their resilience in recovery. You must get them to believe in themselves and their abilities.
Patience and observation are essential. Everyone has potential, the job of a trainer is to be still enough to see where the strengths of their students lie then use this to propel them forward to be the best that they can be.
Fear can be a powerful ally or enemy. I have the strong belief that if you plant a seed of fear, water it with negative input it can grow out of control and paralyse you.
Make fear your enemy and it will destroy you.
Fear as your friend, heightens and refines your senses.
When you learn to channel the energy positively and calm your mind- you can overcome anything.
Seven years ago I was in a motorbike accident that changed my life completely. My leg was broken in 21 places and required numerous surgeries to stabilise it and 6 months in hospital…….. the alternative was to remove the leg. The trauma of the accident accelerated Parkinson’s. I was diagnosed 3 months previously. While in hospital I developed diabetes.
The chasm that developed between what my abilities were and how they were to develop was overwhelming for a time, I didn’t care if I lost the leg, I needed to find a way forward. This is where the years of discipline and training in martial arts helped me mentally to maintain a positive forward motion. I would listen to motivational tapes and take bits and pieces from them as my daily mantra. Along with the support of my team, they kept the gym going and had faith that I would return.
They were right.
We have incredible power to shape our lives if we choose to go on that journey.
I learned not to look into the past for the measure of what I am and have today, or stay focused on what was or what happened, there’s nothing you can do about it- you can’t change it. When you focus on what was, it can cause a lot of emotional distress for your future and slow the momentum of all that is to come. What life takes away from you, you need to let go.
When you have learnt how to control your mind you are on the way to becoming a champion. The only difference between a champion and someone who is not is the MINDSET.
“The real talent lies in maintaining a vision in the face of years of hard work and moments of serious self doubt. It is the talent required to persistently trek a single path in order to join that elite group whose overnight success was 10 years in the making.”
(Author unknown)